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Raymond Courbis / Wladyslaw Welfe (Hrsg.)

Central and Eastern Europe on its Way to European Union. Simulation Studies based on Marcromodels

Frankfurt a. M. u. a.: Peter Lang 1999; 608 S.; pb., 128,- DM; ISBN 3-631-32383-2
Vorgestellt werden die Ergebnisse des von einem international zusammengesetzten Forschungsteam durchgeführten Projekts "Economic Alternatives of the Socio-Economic Development in Central and Eastern Europe. Simulation Studies Based on Macromodels (ASED CE COPERNICUS)". Aus dem Inhalt: I. The Economic Situation of Central Europe: Jan Haluška / Michal Olexa / Judita Orságowá: Macroeconomic Development of the Slovak and Czech Economies during Last 50 Years (27-69); Wladyslaw Welfe: Economic Past, Market Reforms in Poland and the Prospects for Growth in the '90s (71-122); Istvan Czajlik: Hungary on the Road to the European Union: Past Developments and Recent Trends (123-145); Garabed Minassian: Bulgarian Economy Facing the XXI Century (147-176); Raymond Courbis: Present Situation and Adaptation Problems of The Central Europe's Countries and Possibilities to Join the European Union (177-188). II. The Transition to a Market Economy and Alternative Adjustment Policies: Ivan Sujan / Milota Sujanova: Czech Republic: Long-term Macroeconomic Simulations (up to the year 2010) (193-210); Wladislaw Welfe / Aleksander Welfe / Waldemar Florczak / Robert Kelm: Long-Term Scenarios for the Polish Economy (up to the year 2010) (211-233); Michal Olexa / Jan Haluška / Juditha Orságová: Long-Term Variant Simulations of the Slovak Economy (up to the year 2010) (235-251). III. Past Experiences of Enlargement of the European Union: Raymond Courbis: The Enlargement of the European Union: the Lessons from Previous Experiences (255-269); Jarko Fidrmuc / Karl Pichelmann: Austrian Experience of the Accession to the European Union (271-293); Risto Vaittinen: On the Effects of Finland's European Union Integration. A Computable General Equilibrium Evaluation (295-315); Luis Delfim Santos: On the Impact of European Integration on Portuguese Economy (317-331). IV. Entrance of Central Europe in the European Union; V. Macroeconometric Models and Methodological Issues.
Anke Rösener (AR)
Dipl.-Politologin, Redakteurin
Rubrizierung: 2.62 | 2.2 | 2.262 | 3.1 | 2.61 | 2.4 Empfohlene Zitierweise: Anke Rösener, Rezension zu: Raymond Courbis / Wladyslaw Welfe (Hrsg.): Central and Eastern Europe on its Way to European Union. Frankfurt a. M. u. a.: 1999, in: Portal für Politikwissenschaft,, veröffentlicht am 01.01.2006. Buch-Nr.: 13858 Rezension drucken