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Franz Knipping / Piyanart Bunnag / Vimolvan Phatharodom (Hrsg.)

Europe and Southeast Asia in the Contemporary World: Mutual Influences and Comparisons. International Conference of Historians, Wuppertal, 8-10 October 1998

Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 1999 (Asia-Europe Studies Series 2); XIV, 269 S.; brosch., 79,- DM; ISBN 3-7890-6252-9
Die Beiträge sind überarbeitete Versionen von Vorträgen, die auf einer Konferenz von Wissenschaftlern aus Europa und Asien im Oktober 1998 in Wuppertal gehalten wurden. Inhalt: I. European Presence in Southeast Asia: Patrick Tuck: From Colonial Formation to Colonial Inter-Dependence: European Rivalry in Southeast Asia, 1870-1939 (1-15); Andrew J. Crozier: Britain and Southeast Asia 1850-1945 (17-41); Ian Nish: Britain and Postwar Thinking on Decolonization in Southeast Asia, 1943-1946 (43-54); Bunpot Gumnerdsiri: SEATO and the Role of Its European Members (55-66); J. Thomas Lindblad: European and Asian Styles of Foreign Investment in Southeast Asia: A Preliminary Exploration (67-90). II. Southeast Asian Nations and Europe: Bernhard Dahm: Nationalism and Cultural Identity in Southeast Asia (91-101); Lee Kam Hing: Europe and Southeast Asia: A Malaysian Perspective (103-117); Paul H. Kratoska: The Second World War and Nation-Building in Southeast Asia (119-131); Piyanart Bunnag: Ethnic Problems and the Unitary State of Thailand: A Case Study of the Muslim Ethnic Group in the Southern Border Provinces (1892-1932) (133-150); Stefan Hell: Siam and the League of Nations, 1920-1946 (151-163); Albert Lau: "Transfer of Power" or "Struggle for Independence"?: Britain and Malayan Decolonization (165-179); Sud Chonchirdsin: The Indochinese Communist Party and Peasant Riots in the Mekong Delta of Cochin China 1938 (181-191); Marc Frey: War, Revolution and the Passage of Empire: France, the United States and Indochina, 1945-c.1960 (193-203); Hugues Tertrais: The Associated States Experience (Indochina, 1950-1954) (205-210); Taufik Abdullah: Historical Reflections on Democratic Discourses in Indonesia (211-222); Jeroen Touwen: New Roads to Take. Economic Aspects of Decolonization in Indonesia (223-235). III. European Integration and ASEAN: Vimolvan Phatharodom: Aspects of Early ASEAN-EC Relations, 1967-1992. A Thai Perspective (237-248); Anthony Forster: The European Union as a Foreign Policy Actor in South East Asia: Conceptualizing Europe's Role in the Region (249-259).
Walter Rösch (WR)
M. A., Politikwissenschaftler.
Rubrizierung: 2.68 | 2.61 | 3.6 Empfohlene Zitierweise: Walter Rösch, Rezension zu: Franz Knipping / Piyanart Bunnag / Vimolvan Phatharodom (Hrsg.): Europe and Southeast Asia in the Contemporary World: Mutual Influences and Comparisons. Baden-Baden: 1999, in: Portal für Politikwissenschaft,, veröffentlicht am 01.01.2006. Buch-Nr.: 13210 Rezension drucken