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/ 05.06.2013
Renate Kicker / Joseph Marko / Michael Steiner (Hrsg.)

Changing Borders: Legal and Economic Aspects of European Enlargement

Frankfurt a. M. u. a.: Peter Lang 1998; 272 S.; pb., 89,- DM; ISBN 3-631-32451-0
Ergebnisse des "Alps-Adria-Symposion", das im Frühjahr 1997 zum Thema "The Legal System and the Economy on New Borders" in Graz abgehalten wurde. Veranstalter waren das Land Steiermark, die Universität Graz und Johanneum Research. Inhalt: I. Regional Cooperation Across New Borders: Practice and Legal Aspects: Renate Kicker: Regional Cooperation Crossing New Borders: The Alps Adriatic Working Community: Practice and Legal Aspects (13-20); Klaus Unterholzner: Recent Developments within the Council of Europe (21-31); Bojko Bucar: The Emergence of International (Legal) Obligations Between Subnational Territorial Units - Illusion or Reality? (32-42); Roberto Toniatti: How Soft Is and Ought to Be the Law of Interregional Transborder Cooperation? (43-45); Noralv Veggeland: Regional Governance, Euro-Regions, Flexibility, Power and Rights (46-53); Horst Eisel: Schengen: New Borders in the Alpine and Adriatic Region? (54-61). II. Beyond the Nation State: Problems of Regionalisation in East and West: Joseph Marko: Beyond the Nation-State: Problems of Regionalisation in Western and East Central Europe (65-77); Thomas Christiansen: Borders and Territorial Governance in the New Europe (78-106); Emil J. Kirchner: The Development and Importance of Interregional Co-operation in Central European States (107-122); Reinhard Rack / Judith Schwarzbauer: Between East and West: The Pre-Accession Strategy in the Heart of Europe (123-145); Josip Kregar: Democratization of Transitional Societies: Internal Processes and Regional Context (146-161). III. Market, Institutions and New Borders: Michael Steiner: Changing Borders, Extending Markets and the Feeling of "Angst" (165-183); Riccardo Cappellin: Interregional Networking and the Principle of Subsidiarity in European Regional Policy (184-203); Erich Thöni: Is there a European Institutional Integration Trap? Assignment of Responsibilities from a Fiscal Federalism Perspective (204-220); Jolanta Dziembowska-Kowalska / Jan S. Kowalski: Institutional Factors in Transition of a Regional Economy: The Case of the Border Province of Gorzow in Western Poland (221-236); Gyula Horváth: Policy Legislation on Cross-Border Co-operation (237-255). Epilogue: Erhard Busek: New Forms of Cooperation in the Alps-Adria Region? (257-263).
Walter Rösch (WR)
M. A., Politikwissenschaftler.
Rubrizierung: Empfohlene Zitierweise: Walter Rösch, Rezension zu: Renate Kicker / Joseph Marko / Michael Steiner (Hrsg.): Changing Borders: Legal and Economic Aspects of European Enlargement Frankfurt a. M. u. a.: 1998, in: Portal für Politikwissenschaft,, veröffentlicht am 01.01.2006. Buch-Nr.: 11176 Rezension drucken
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